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Triangle calculator

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This calculator computes all the main triangle parameters, such as area, medians, altitudes, centroid and incenter. The calculator shows a formula and an explanation for each parameter of a triangle.

Triangle in coordinate geometry
Input vertices and choose one of seven triangle characteristics to compute.
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triangle in coordinate plane
Area Medians Altitudes
Centroid (intersection of medians)
Incenter (center of the incircle)
Circumcenter (center of circumscribed circle)
Orthocenter (intersection of the altitudes)
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ex 1:
Find area of a triangle whose vertices are and .
ex 2:
Find area of a triangle whose vertices are and .
ex 3:
Find altitudes of a triangle whose vertices are and .
ex 4:
Find circumcenter of a triangle whose vertices are and .
Find more worked-out examples in our database of solved problems.

Formulas and examples for triangle

Area of the triangle?

The area of a triangle whose vertices are and is given by :


Find the area of the triangle whose vertices are and .


In this example we have: . So we have:

triangle area

Centroid of the triangle?

The centroid of a triangle whose vertices are and is given by :


Find the centroid of the triangle whose vertices are and .


triangle centroid

Using the same , as in previous example we have:

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