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Scientific notation calculator

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The scientific notation converter/calculator performs arithmetic operations on scientific numbers. It also, makes a conversion between scientific and decimal notation. The calculator can multiply, divide, and evaluate powers of numbers written in scientific notation.

Scientific notation calculator
Multiply and divide scientific numbers
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X=12×103 Y=2.15×10-12
X×Y X/Y X^2 X^
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ex 1:
Multiply numbers written in scientific notation 2.5·1012 × 3.42·10-7 =
ex 2:
ex 3:
Convert number 73000000 into scientific notation.
ex 4:
Convert 8.32 · 106 to decimal notation.
ex 5:
Simplify: (3 · 10-8)12 =
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Scientific Notation

Scientific notation is a way of writing very large or very small numbers. In scientific notation, every number is represented as a × 10n, where the decimal number a is greater than 1 and lesser than 10. We will provide some examples of how to convert numbers to scientific notation.

Convert 7823.5 to scientific notation

In this example, we need to convert a number, which is greater than 10. To do so move decimal point to the left until you get number lesser than 10. Because the decimal is moved three places, we conclude that n = 3.

Converting big number to scientific notation

The result is:

7823.5 = 7.8235×103

Convert 7800000 to scientific notation

In this example, there is no decimal point at the end of the number, so we will add one. Now, move the decimal point between the digits 7 and 8. Since the decimal is moved six places, we can conclude that n = 6.

Converting big number to scientific notation

The result is:

7800000 = 7.8 × 106

Multiply 1.2 × 105 by 3.45×10-8

To multiply numbers written in scientific notation we first multiplay numeric parts,

1.2 × 3.45 = 4.14

After that, we multiply powers of 10.

105×10-8 = 105-8 = 10-3

Putting everything together, we get:

1.2×105 × 3.45×10-8 = 4.14×10-3

Convert 0.00000254 to scientific notation.

To convert the small number to scientific notation, move the decimal point to the right (between digits 2 and 5). Since the decimal was moved 8 spaces to the right, we might conclude that the n is -8.

Converting small number to scientific notation

The result is:

0.0000000254 = 2.54×10-8

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