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Work problems calculator

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These calculators will solve three types of work problems.

Two workers problem
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First worker can do the job in and the second worker takes . How long would it take the two workers together to finish the job?

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ex 1:
First worker can do the job in 5 days, and the second worker takes 4 days. How long would it take the two workers together to finish the job?
ex 2:
First worker can do the job in 45 minutes, and the second worker takes 2 hours. How long would it take the two workers together to finish the job?
ex 3:
If 12 men can do a job in 15 days, how many would it take to do the job in 10 days?
ex 4:
A swimming pool has 2 inlet pipes. One fills the pool in 14 hours, the other in 20 hours. The outlet pipe empties the pool in 10 hours. If the pool is at first empty and all three pipes are open, how many hours will it take to fill up the pool?
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