This calculator graphs the quadratic function of the form f(x)=ax2+bx+x. The solver also finds the x and y intercepts, vertex and focus of a quadratic function. Calculator shows all the work and provides detailed explanation for each step.
Quadratic function has the form where a, b and c are numbers
You can sketch quadratic function in 4 steps. I will explain these steps in following examples.
Example 1:
Sketch the graph of the quadratic function
In this case we have and
STEP 1: Find the vertex.
To find x - coordinate of the vertex we use formula:
So, we substitute in for and in for to get
To find y - coordinate plug in into the original equation:
So, the vertex of the parabola is
STEP 2: Find the y-intercept.
To find y - intercept plug in into the original equation:
So, the y-intercept of the parabola is
STEP 3: Find the x-intercept.
To find x - intercept solve quadratic equation in our case we have:
Solutions for this equation are:
( to learn how to solve quadratic equation use quadratic equation solver )
STEP 4: plot the parabola.
Example 2:
Sketch the graph of the quadratic function
Here we have and
The x-coordinate of the vertex is:
The y-coordinate of the vertex is:
The y-intercept is:
In this case x-intercept doesn't exist since equation does not has the solutions (use quadratic equation solver to check ). So, in this case we will plot the graph using only two points