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Fraction calculator

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The fraction calculator performs all basic operations on fractions and mixed numbers. It performs addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, simplification and comparison of fractions and mixed numbers. The calculator also converts mixed numbers to fractions or decimals and vice versa.

Fraction calculator
Arithmetic operations on fractions and mixed numbers.
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ex 1:
ex 2:
ex 3:
Which is bigger:
ex 4:
Convert fraction to mixed number.
ex 5:
Simplify mixed number .
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There are three basic operations for fractions and mixed numbers. 1. Fraction Simplification 2. Fraction Conversion 3. Fraction Arithmetic This calculator can perform these operations and a lot more. Let’s start with simplification.


The easiest way to simplify a fraction is to divide both the numerator and denominator by the same number. In this example, we can divide 15 and 10 by 5.

You can also solve this problem by using calculator.

Convert mixed number to fraction

To convert a mixed number to an improper fraction, just multiply the denominator by the whole part and add the numerator.

Multiply by

To multiply fractions, first cancel the common factors, then multiply the numerators and denominators.

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