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Probability distributions calculator

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This calculator finds mean, standard deviation and variance of a distribution. The calculator will generate a step by step explanation along with the graphic representation of the data sets and regression line.

Probability Distributions Calculator
mean, standard deviation and variance of a distribution
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Find the Mean (expectation) of a distribution
Find the Standard Deviation of a distribution
Find the Variance of a distribution
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ex 1:

A company tested a new product and found that the number of errors per 100 products had the following probability distribution:

Find the mean number of errors per 100 products.

ex 2:

You flip the coin. What is the expected value if every time you get heads, you lose \$2, and every time you get tails, you gain \$5. The probability distribution is:

ex 3:

The discrete probability distribution of X is given by:

Find the mean of the distribution.

ex 4:

When you roll a die, you will be paid \$3 for numbers divisible by 3 and you will lose \$2 for numbers that are not divisible by 3 Find the expected value of money you get.

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