Integrals – Solved Problems Database
All the problems and solutions shown below were generated using the Integral Calculator.
ID |
Problem |
Count |
751 | $$ $$ | 1 |
752 | $$ $$ | 1 |
753 | $$ $$ | 1 |
754 | $$ $$ | 1 |
755 | $$ $$ | 1 |
756 | $$ $$ | 1 |
757 | $$ $$ | 1 |
758 | $$ \displaystyle\int^{3}_{-3} {\left(4-\dfrac{x}{4}\right)}^{2}-{2}^{2}\, \mathrm d x $$ | 1 |
759 | $$ \displaystyle\int \mathrm{e}^{{x}^{4}+1}\, \mathrm d x $$ | 1 |
760 | $$ \int \frac{{1}}{\sqrt{{{3}-{x}^{{2}}}}} \, d\,x $$ | 1 |
761 | $$ $$ | 1 |
762 | $$ $$ | 1 |
763 | $$ $$ | 1 |
764 | $$ $$ | 1 |
765 | $$ \displaystyle\int^{201.48}_{0} \dfrac{1}{2{\pi}}{\cdot}3.88{\cdot}\sin\left(x-0.414\right)+1.56{\mathrm{e}}^{\frac{-x}{0.44}}\, \mathrm d x $$ | 1 |
766 | $$ \displaystyle\int \sqrt(5){\tan\left(2x\right)}\, \mathrm d x $$ | 1 |
767 | $$ $$ | 1 |
768 | $$ \displaystyle\int {\left(\sqrt{x}\right)}^{7}+1\, \mathrm d x $$ | 1 |
769 | $$ $$ | 1 |
770 | $$ $$ | 1 |
771 | $$ $$ | 1 |
772 | $$ \displaystyle\int \sin\left(5x\right){\cdot}\cos\left(2x\right)\, \mathrm d x $$ | 1 |
773 | $$ \displaystyle\int^{201.48}_{0} \dfrac{1}{2{\pi}}{\cdot}{\left(3.88{\cdot}\sin\left(x-0.414\right)+1.56{\mathrm{e}}^{\frac{-x}{0.44}}\right)}^{2}\, \mathrm d x $$ | 1 |
774 | $$ $$ | 1 |
775 | $$ $$ | 1 |
776 | $$ $$ | 1 |
777 | $$ $$ | 1 |
778 | $$ $$ | 1 |
779 | $$ $$ | 1 |
780 | $$ \displaystyle\int^{\pi/4}_{-\pi/4} 4{\cdot}\sqrt{\sec\left(\color{orangered}{\square}\right)}\, \mathrm d x $$ | 1 |
781 | $$ \int {\cot{{\left({4424}\right)}}} \, d\,x $$ | 1 |
782 | $$ $$ | 1 |
783 | $$ $$ | 1 |
784 | $$ $$ | 1 |
785 | $$ $$ | 1 |
786 | $$ \displaystyle\int \dfrac{5}{{x}^{2}+4}\, \mathrm d x $$ | 1 |
787 | $$ \int {4}{x}-{9} \, d\,x $$ | 1 |
788 | $$ \displaystyle\int^{3}_{2} x{\cdot}\sqrt{x}-2\, \mathrm d x $$ | 1 |
789 | $$ \displaystyle\int {\mathrm{e}}^{x+{\mathrm{e}}^{x}}\, \mathrm d x $$ | 1 |
790 | $$ $$ | 1 |
791 | $$ $$ | 1 |
792 | $$ \int {\left({2}{x}-{1}\right)}{\sin{{\left({x}\right)}}} \, d\,x $$ | 1 |
793 | $$ \displaystyle\int \sqrt{2x}\, \mathrm d x $$ | 1 |
794 | $$ $$ | 1 |
795 | $$ $$ | 1 |
796 | $$ $$ | 1 |
797 | $$ $$ | 1 |
798 | $$ $$ | 1 |
799 | $$ $$ | 1 |
800 | $$ \int {3}{c}{o}{3}{e}{x}{8}{c}{o}{2}{l}{c}{o}{6} \, d\,x $$ | 1 |