GCD – Solved Problems Database
All the problems and solutions shown below were generated using the GCD Calculator.
ID |
Problem |
Count |
3501 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 13 and 12, using prime factorization. | 1 |
3502 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 52, 78 and 130, using prime factorization. | 1 |
3503 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 121, 645, 100, 408, 832, 19, 2, 432, 902, 8, 176, 640 and 19, using Euclidean algorithm. | 1 |
3504 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 13 and 25, using Euclidean algorithm. | 1 |
3505 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 83 and 291, using prime factorization. | 1 |
3506 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 630 and 1260, using repeated division. | 1 |
3507 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 22500, 33600 and 26064, using prime factorization. | 1 |
3508 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 317 and 525, using prime factorization. | 1 |
3509 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 1 and 1, using prime factorization. | 1 |
3510 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 10234 and 578, using Euclidean algorithm. | 1 |
3511 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 25, 42 and 81, using prime factorization. | 1 |
3512 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 400 and 60, using prime factorization. | 1 |
3513 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 80 and 144, by listing out the factors. | 1 |
3514 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 507 and 116, using prime factorization. | 1 |
3515 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 30 and 30, using Euclidean algorithm. | 1 |
3516 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 324, 378 and 1890, using repeated division. | 1 |
3517 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 121645100408832019 and 2432902008176640019, using Euclidean algorithm. | 1 |
3518 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 22 and 46, using Euclidean algorithm. | 1 |
3519 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 88, 9, 88, 2 and 7, using prime factorization. | 1 |
3520 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 90 and 126, using prime factorization. | 1 |
3521 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 24 and 80, using Euclidean algorithm. | 1 |
3522 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 35 and 20, using Euclidean algorithm. | 1 |
3523 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 9 and 72, using prime factorization. | 1 |
3524 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 6 and 400, using prime factorization. | 1 |
3525 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 56 and 128, using prime factorization. | 1 |
3526 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 52 and 16, using prime factorization. | 1 |
3527 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 55 and 20, using Euclidean algorithm. | 1 |
3528 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 2 and 24, using prime factorization. | 1 |
3529 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 12 and 36, using prime factorization. | 1 |
3530 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 115 and 644, using repeated division. | 1 |
3531 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 65535 and 899, using prime factorization. | 1 |
3532 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 31415 and 14142, by listing out the factors. | 1 |
3533 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 30 and 107, by listing out the factors. | 1 |
3534 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 69 and 34, using prime factorization. | 1 |
3535 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 21 and 56, using prime factorization. | 1 |
3536 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 36, 54 and 90, using prime factorization. | 1 |
3537 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 7 and 24, using prime factorization. | 1 |
3538 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 3223 and 5654, using prime factorization. | 1 |
3539 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 69 and 34, using Euclidean algorithm. | 1 |
3540 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 10, 12 and 60, using prime factorization. | 1 |
3541 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 7 and 5561, using Euclidean algorithm. | 1 |
3542 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 68763878 and 98293729, using prime factorization. | 1 |
3543 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 118 and 117, using prime factorization. | 1 |
3544 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 7 and 1, using Euclidean algorithm. | 1 |
3545 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 3 and 5, using Euclidean algorithm. | 1 |
3546 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 2, 1 and 2, using prime factorization. | 1 |
3547 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 248625 and 415822, using prime factorization. | 1 |
3548 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 36, 54, 90 and 126, using repeated division. | 1 |
3549 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 28844 and 15712, using Euclidean algorithm. | 1 |
3550 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 180 and 252, using Euclidean algorithm. | 1 |