(the database of solved problems)
All the problems and solutions shown below were generated using the GCD Calculator.
ID |
Problem |
Count |
1101 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 12, 18, 48, 57, 62 and 4, using prime factorization. | 2 |
1102 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 48 and 57, using prime factorization. | 2 |
1103 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 48 and 57, using repeated division. | 2 |
1104 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 17, 34, 56, 60, 61 and 9, using Euclidean algorithm. | 2 |
1105 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 9, 30, 39, 49, 59 and 21, using prime factorization. | 2 |
1106 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 9, 30, 39, 49, 59 and 21, by listing out the factors. | 2 |
1107 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 9, 30, 39, 49, 59 and 21, using repeated division. | 2 |
1108 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 9 and 30, using Euclidean algorithm. | 2 |
1109 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 509, 1 and 177, using Euclidean algorithm. | 2 |
1110 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 5 and 192, using repeated division. | 2 |
1111 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 78 and 66, using repeated division. | 2 |
1112 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 78 and 66, by listing out the factors. | 2 |
1113 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 78 and 66, using Euclidean algorithm. | 2 |
1114 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 17 and 264, using Euclidean algorithm. | 2 |
1115 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 504 and 980, using prime factorization. | 2 |
1116 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 1, 2, 3 and 4, using prime factorization. | 2 |
1117 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 437 and 219, by listing out the factors. | 2 |
1118 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 3375 and 1000, using repeated division. | 2 |
1119 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 2625 and 1000, using repeated division. | 2 |
1120 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 7 and 40, using prime factorization. | 2 |
1121 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 36, 64 and 72, using repeated division. | 2 |
1122 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 36, 64 and 72, using prime factorization. | 2 |
1123 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 78 and 99, using prime factorization. | 2 |
1124 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 341 and 271, using repeated division. | 2 |
1125 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 3 and 36, using prime factorization. | 2 |
1126 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 88 and 187, using repeated division. | 2 |
1127 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 22, 29, 33, 36, 40 and 15, using prime factorization. | 2 |
1128 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 22, 29, 33, 36, 40 and 15, using repeated division. | 2 |
1129 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 22, 29, 33, 36, 40 and 15, by listing out the factors. | 2 |
1130 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 197 and 144, using Euclidean algorithm. | 2 |
1131 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 1, 24, 34, 35 and 36, using repeated division. | 2 |
1132 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 1, 24, 34, 35 and 36, using Euclidean algorithm. | 2 |
1133 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 13, 16, 31, 34 and 43, using Euclidean algorithm. | 2 |
1134 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 9801 and 1452891650, using Euclidean algorithm. | 2 |
1135 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 35 and 192, by listing out the factors. | 2 |
1136 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 605 and 210, using Euclidean algorithm. | 2 |
1137 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 5 and 2772, using prime factorization. | 2 |
1138 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 7 and 26, using Euclidean algorithm. | 2 |
1139 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 9 and 40, using prime factorization. | 2 |
1140 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 928 and 612, using prime factorization. | 2 |
1141 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 6437 and 2393, using prime factorization. | 2 |
1142 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 28, 38, 52, 54, 68 and 8, using prime factorization. | 2 |
1143 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 32, 48 and 80, using prime factorization. | 2 |
1144 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 80 and 144, using prime factorization. | 2 |
1145 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 1152 and 1728, using prime factorization. | 2 |
1146 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 28, 38, 52, 54 and 68, using prime factorization. | 2 |
1147 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 2000 and 1713, using Euclidean algorithm. | 2 |
1148 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 2000 and 1713, using prime factorization. | 2 |
1149 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 2000 and 1713, using repeated division. | 2 |
1150 | Find Greatest Common Divisor of 588 and 90, using prime factorization. | 2 |