The greatest common division calculator computes GCD of two or more integers using 4 method.
The greatest common divisor (factor, multiple) of two integers is the largest number that divides them both.
To find the GCF of two numbers, this calculator uses the following methods:
1. Prime factorization method,
2. Repeated division method,
3. Euclidean algorithm and
4. Listing out the factors.
Example: find GCD of 36 and 48
Step 1: find prime factorization of each number:
42 = 2 * 3 * 7
70 = 2 * 5 * 7
Step 2: circle out all common factors:
42 = ② * 3 * ⑦
70 = ② * 5 * ⑦
We see that the GCD is ② * ⑦ = 14
Example: find GCD of 84 and 140.
Step 1: Place the numbers inside division bar:
84 | 140 |
Step 2: Divide both numbers by 2:
2 | 84 | 140 |
42 | 70 |
Step 3: Continue to divide until the numbers do not have a common factor.
② | 84 | 140 |
② | 42 | 70 |
⑦ | 21 | 35 |
3 | 7 |
Step 4: The GCD of 84 and 140 is: ② * ② * ⑦ = 28
Example: Find GCD of 52 and 36, using Euclidean algorithm.
Solution: Divide 52 by 36 and get the remainder, then divide 36 with the remainder from previous step. When the remainder is zero the GCD is the last divisor.
52 | : | 36 | = | 1 | remainder (16) | ||||
36 | : | 16 | = | 1 | remainder (4) | ||||
16 | : | ④ | = | 4 | remainder (0) |
We conclude that the GCD = 4.
Example: find GCD of 45 and 54 by listing out the factors.
Step 1: Find divisors for the given numbers:
The divisors of 45 are 1, 3, 5, ⑨, 15 and 45
The divisors of 54 are 1, 2, 3, 6, ⑨ 18, 27 and 54
Step 2: The greatest divisor = ⑨
The GCD of given numbers is 9.
Step 1 : Find prime factorization of each number.
$$\begin{aligned}9 =& 3\cdot3\\[8pt]18 =& 2\cdot3\cdot3\\[8pt]\end{aligned}$$(view steps on how to factor 9 and 18. )
Step 2 : Put a box around factors that are common for all numbers:
$$\begin{aligned}9 =& \color{blue}{\boxed{3}}\cdot\color{red}{\boxed{3}}\\[8pt]18 =& 2\cdot\color{blue}{\boxed{3}}\cdot\color{red}{\boxed{3}}\\[8pt]\end{aligned}$$Step 3 : Multiply the boxed numbers together:
$$ GCD = 3\cdot3 = 9 $$This solution can be visualized using a Venn diagram.
The GCD equals the product of the numbers at the intersection.
1. GCD Definition, Methods, Examples
2. Euclidean Algorithm - video tutorial
3. Program to Find GCD - code implementation in C++, C, Java, Python, C# and Javascript.