The GCD of given numbers is 20.
Step 1 : Place the numbers inside division bar:.
2300 | 1180 |
Step 2 : Divide numbers by 2.
2 | 2300 | 1180 |
1150 | 590 |
Step 3 : Divide numbers by 2.
2 | 2300 | 1180 |
2 | 1150 | 590 |
575 | 295 |
Step 4 : Divide numbers by 5.
2 | 2300 | 1180 |
2 | 1150 | 590 |
5 | 575 | 295 |
115 | 59 |
Step 5 : Number 115 and 59, cannot be divided any more. The GCD is:
$$ GCD = 2\cdot2\cdot5 = 20 $$This solution can be visualized using a Venn diagram.
The GCD equals the product of the numbers at the intersection.